Monthly Car Parking at

The Engine Room, St Bedes Hall (Church, Albany St, London NW1 4EE, United Kingdom

The Engine Room, St Bedes Hall (Church, Albany St, London NW1 4EE, United Kingdom



Located on Engine Room in London, these parking spaces offer convenience and security close to St Bedes Hall. The spaces are suitable for vehicles up to the size of a large 4×4. Features include allocated spaces and security lighting, ensuring a well-lit and designated parking area. The spaces are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with the flexibility to enter and exit multiple times during your booking. You can park in one of the nine spaces alongside the Church or opposite the white railings. Please ensure to park tightly if using the space near the pillar.

Key Features

Allocated space

Security lighting

Suitable for large vehicles (up to 4×4)

24/7 availability

Multiple entries and exits allowed

Nine spaces available alongside the Church

Option to park opposite the white railings

Specific parking instructions provided



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Reach out to us on WhatsApp, our dedicated team will be happy to help.

This space has a
rating of 5 stars

Reviews collected from users who have used this space before.